Ghosted by J.M. Darhower

My rating: 4/5 stars 

Recently I’ve been trying not to add more books to my Kindle and just read the ones I already have. It’s quite difficult because not all the time I fancy a particular book and just forget why I purchased it, but I was lucky in my pick this time. J.M. Darhower is no stranger to me, especially in the mafia area, but this time she managed to surprise me with a twist story, a very good one, actually.

“Ghosted” is a second chance romance about a couple who gets together at a fragile age but somewhere along the way they loose themselves to fame and addiction. Kennedy Garfield and Jonathan Cunningham had such a complicated life and all they ever wanted was to fulfill their dreams, to act and to write and let the whole world know about their talent. But when fame doesn’t come right along and you need to do sacrifices, there are time when you loose yourself to alcohol or drugs. This happened to Jonathan and in the process, he lost Kennedy in a way that maybe others considered to be without means of return. This is what the book is all about. A story of a broken man who is trying to finally let go of the past and be the person he needs to be for the persons he loves most in this world. And what do you do when you also have to be the best father? You fight and never let go.

This book was a life story from beginning to end. It was funny, sweet, but also very emotional, because it gave you glimpses on Kennedy and Jonathan past and you could actually witness the way their relationship progressed and in the end, crashed. It was very dynamic but very realistic, because this might be a story which you read every day regarding the though life of actors, but actually being involved in it it’s way more eye opening. It was more lengthy than other books, but the pace was appropriate and I think the author gave Kennedy the proper time to heal and to let Jonathan into her life again. When a child is involved, it’s not only your heart that is in danger, but a very small one that can crush in an instant, so it’s not only about you.

I enjoyed the book very much, and in a way I could relate, being a single kid to a single mom. Maybe I wished my father could have fought for us as intense as Jonathan did and maybe my childhood would have been different, having 2 parents. But I am glad this story turned out like this and I hope everyone who will read it will take upon the example to fight for their loved ones, even if the odds are against them.

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